Gage's Ultimate Sharpening Kit

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The Kit

This is the big daddy of sharpening kits with everything you could ever possibly need to tackle any sharpening task that might come up and the kit that Gage uses himself!

The Debado #220 is the best low grit stone we've ever used, and we've tried almost everything. These stones are bigger than your average bench stone which gives room for long passes to efficiently remove material. The stones are hard and incredibly slow wearing for a low grit with a consistent grain that leaves a even finish and doesn't kick out little crunchies like some other more affordable low grits are known to, so its a breeze to start polishing off of for wide bevel sharpening and thinning, not to mention its coarse enough to kick up a burr on the dullest knives after only a few passes, not to mention its a splash and go! Though we do find a couple minutes in the water will help this stone be a little less thirsty.

The Suehiro Cerax #700 is our go to muddy stone to work out those scratches, or start and edge thats went just a little too long before a #1000 touch up, this stone is a little softer and more forgiving and is a great working edge for rough uses knives like pocket knives, leaving a toothy edge that will fly through thick cardboard but be strong enough to open plastic packaging! (You wouldn't do that with your nice Japanese knives though...right?)

The #1000 is what we consider to be the desert island stone, and if you can only have one this is the way to go. Coarse enough to bring a dull knife back to life with some elbow grease, yet fine enough that with proper technique and lightening off your pressure towards the end you should get a fantastic edge and even be able to shave with it! This is also the grit that we recommend finishing German steels on, as too much time spent on any higher grits can tend to burnish those steels and take away their much needed "tooth" to get you through that tomato or pepper skin!

The Naniwa Pro #5000 is a super hard finisher that will leave a paper towel shearing, face shaving, edge, and a near mirror finish on bevels (should you wish to spend the time to do so). This stone is a splash and go so its always ready for a quick touch up!

The Atoma Diamond plate #140 is our go to choice for a flattening tool. They cut fast, and will remain true forever as they're bound to an aluminum block. They can be used for repairs in a pinch, but do be advised that this will pull out the diamonds over time, and they will last considerably longer if used just for flattening.

The leather strop will be your final stop, and take your edge from sharp, to scary. It can also be used as a maintenance tool, and extend the life of your knife or tools edge. When the strop is no longer effective its time to transition to a ceramic honing rod, and when that stops being effective its time to hit the stones again!

The Naniwa stone holder is definitely a luxury. It brings you up from the table or sink bridge to allow hand clearance while sharpening and makes sure nothing slides around!

The Stainless Sink Bridge is what we use in both of our locations, and even some of us at home! These things are incredibly sturdy and way overbuilt, just like we like them! Working over a sink is a game changer having fresh water readily available, a basin to soak your appropriate stones in, and contain the mess!

For guidance on sharpening feel free to check out our free videos on Youtube :

SHARP Youtube Channel

Or sign up for an in store sharpening class!

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